6" diameter stainless steel pipe
144" length pipe squashed to 66" length
Blackened Patina
Design by Lucas Design Associates

Glass: 60" Dia. x 3"Thk
Standard Clear Glass
Kiln Formed Glass Edge
Steel Base: 63-1/2"W x 63-1/2"D x 18"H
Design by other

Glass: 36" Di. x 3"Thk
Standard Clear Glass
Kiln Formed Glass Edge
Steel Base: 2pcs. at 18"W x 7"D x 15"H
Design by other

Polished Edge
Green Tint Glass with Charcoal Grey

1/4" thick forged and galvanized steel
13'L x 8'H

Custom Colored Cast Glass / Blackened Steel
Glass Dims: 48"L x 8"W x 4"H

Heat textured and hand forged steel.

Forged steel textured cladding with a 2" solid steel hearth.

Forged Textured Steel

108"L x 12"W x 3" thick clear cast glass

Stainless Steel Tubing

forged steel and kiln cast glass sculpture
32"x 14"
42"L x 36"H
Forged and Galvanized Steel

River Glass
Cast Glass panel with forged and fabricated fasteners
30"w x 72" h x 1/2" thick glass
Used as a room divider

Lucky Vase
14" tall forged steel and stainless steel
forged steel, bamboo top

forged steel and kiln cast glass
36" x 16" x 10"

72" long
cast glass

60" x 20"
cast glass

40" x 14"
cast glass and forged steel

Cast Glass and Forged Steel
15" Dia. x 22"H